
Análisis Softonic

Juego en el que tienes una probabilidad del 10% de que un mapache te robe todo tu dinero.

"1/10の確率でたぬきに有り金全部奪われるゲーム" is a simulation game developed by NukadukeParipiMan for Android. In this game, there is a 1 in 10 chance that a raccoon will come and steal all of your money without any warning. The game is free to play and falls under the games category.

Please note that older versions of Android may experience issues while playing this game. The game may become slow or crash on certain devices. Restarting your device or clearing the cache might help improve the performance, but be aware that deleting the game data will result in the loss of save data.

The game is created using materials from RPG Maker MV Season Pass, with rights owned by KADOKAWA CORPORATION.YOJI OJIMA. It also utilizes the Yanfly Engine. Feel free to livestream or share your gameplay experiences.

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